a complete beauty guide...

how to get healthy beautiful velvety skin and healthy body

A healthy skin definition is :

  • It should be glowing.

  • Should be radiant.

  • The skin should be smooth.

  • It should be flawless.

If your skin has all these features whatever skin colour you belong you are BEAUTIFUL.
If we go back and see how ancient queens and princess take care of their beauty which nowadays had been replaced by modern beauty treatment.

Egyptians women are considered to be one of the most beautiful women of this planet, Cleopatra famous for her divine and unmatched beauty, Nefertiti, Aphrodite, Helen of Troy etc are some of the most beautiful women of Ancient time.
Beautiful Indian queens Rani Padmavati, Rani Samyukta, Rani Lakhsmi Bai are some of the most beautiful women in the history of India.
These beautiful queens follow a very good skincare routine, because during their times no cosmetics, no chemical exfoliation, no laser or UV beauty treatment was available.
Everything they applied on their face was natural like taking:-

  • Milk and Honey Bath.

  • Almond Oil

  • Castor Oil. …

  • Olive Oil.

  • Honey.

  • Aloe vera

  • Coconut milk powder.

  • Turmeric.

  • Rose petals.

  • Gram flour

The common use of Surma in Egypt it is known as kohl (is an ancient eye cosmetic, made by grinding stibnite for similar purposes to charcoal used in mascara. as eyeliner to contour and/or darken the eyelids and as mascara for the eyelashes eye makeup in ancient Egypt –an inspiration for smoky eye makeup.

home facial for dry skin

Most of the women suffer from dry skin, This type of skin needs extra care and nourishments. As winter is approaching dry skin people will suffer from cracks on their face, chapped lips, flaky skin so to overcome all these problems try our tested facial therapy honey and milk facial, and if you apply honey and raw milk facial everyday your skin will became soft and supple within days


Take 2 tablespoon raw milk not pasteurized.

 Take 2 teaspoon honey.

mix both the ingredients well, apply evenly all over your face and massage it for few minutes in circular motion outward stroke,  never massage your face with inwards stroke

as it will result in wrinkles and fine lines. Rinse after 10-15 minutes.

popular saying "if you look good ! you feel good"

amazing beauty tips for healthy skin

Get a complete beauty guide  for healthy, glowing and flawless look.

food for healthy glowing skin

If you want to look beautiful with healthy skin choose, eat healthy !

powerful herbs for skincare

Enhance your beauty naturally, natural beauty ingredients are best, say no to chemicals !

maintain youthful glowing look

Collagen is a protein that helps to give you a youthful radiant skin.


makeup items

We apply makeup according to the occasion, light makeup during day time it is best suited for working women, and heavy or glossy makeup during night time for parties, wedding, functions etc.
Whatever the occasion might be, properly and evenly applied makeup always look good and enhance your beauty. You should always have these makeup product in your vanity bag.

  • Moisturizer and Primer.
  • Concealer and Foundation.
  • Kajal
  • Eyebrow Pencil.
  • Mascara.
  • Nude and Red Lipstick
  • Eye Shadow Palette
  • Brushes
  • Blush and Highlighter.
  • Q tips and Makeup Wipes
  • Cleanser
  • Perfumes
  • Nail Polish

beauty treatments

Beauty treatment is a method to improve your complexion, facial appearances  (eyes, brows, lashes, nose, mouth, lips and so on…) health of the skin, nails and hairs, in short by these methods you can have the look you want to, but sometimes if beauty expert is not well-trained and is not certified, it turned up bad experience.
Always do complete research while going for beauty treatment, after all, it’s your body and in no way you want to disfigure it.
Some of the different types of beauty treatments are–

  • Facial.
  • Manicure and pedicure
  • Botox injection.
  • Massages offered in Various SPAs
  • Threading

Facial beauty treatment helps to clean and moisturize the face and improve your skin tone while manicure and pedicure make your hand and feet skin soft and smooth. Some people opt beauty treatment for glowing and radiant skin like–

  • Filling in wrinkles with Botox.
  • Body Hair removal through waxing or electrolysis.
  • Laser treatment.
  • Dermabrasions.
  • Microdermabrasion.
  • Chemical peels.
  • Skin lightening.
  • Cosmetic surgery.