
health section is reviewed by

dr shamim mohammad


Health does not always come from taking medicine. Most of the time it comes from inner peace of mind and soul. It comes from happiness and love, and to achieve all this we should maintain a healthy lifestyle. A healthy body can be maintained by eating a healthy diet and doing exercise.  What you eat is how you look. Health should be your first priority, good health and sound mind are gods’ blessings. Choose your food wisely if you eat healthy you will always be healthy.

treasure of life is good health
you cannot enjoy wealth without good health

eat healthy ! live healthy


Coronavirus disease( COVID-19) is an infectious disease, most people infected with the COVID-19 virus show mild to moderate respiratory illness, they recover without any medical  help but in severe cases with people underlying health condition this virus can even cause deaths. 


Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Add more fruits, vegetables and grains in your diet avoid eating high carbohydrates foods, reduce intake of sodium and refined food items. Avoid eating junk food and sweets.  


Protein is very important to perform body function well, how do we grow? How does our blood clot? How body immune system work? How antibodies helps us to fight foreign particles ? How body replaces old cells with a new one? The answer is protein.

women health


Most of the time women’s health condition go undiagnosed such as cervical cancer, breast cancer, menopause and pregnancy, urinary tract infection heart disease etc…as you age its important for regular check ups, don’t overlook any health issue.


Today children are getting more inclined towards junk food, carbonated drinks which have high sugar and salt content. later as they grow up this excess fat is build up in the body which lead to obesity.

Depression and anxiety are the two major issues of ‘today’s women are going through, some are Hormonal changes can lead to depression or anxiety. Social and personnel factors are also responsible, perinatal depression cause sadness, emotional shifts, tiredness.

Make health your first priority

choose your food wisely

whatever you are eating today will give an impact on your future health condition


Take good care of your health during
 your pregnancy. 
This is important both for you and for
 your child’s health, keep a constant
 watch on weight, medicines vaccination, diet, during pregnancy, 


It is a chronic disease When the pancreas failed to make insulin or the body cannot
make good use of insulin. In this disease glucose in your blood level is too high.

heart disease

When heart function is interrupted causes heart disease, heart disease is cured either by surgery or medication.
Different types of heart diseases are their like coronary artery disease, Heart Failure, Pulmonary stenosis etc..

the six best doctors

sunshine air water rest exercise and diet

Lord buddha teaching
food poisonings


 Foodborne illness is a disease carried or transmitted to people when they consumed contaminated food. These infectious organisms like bacteria, viruses, parasites present in the food make you sick. Infants and preschool-age children, pregnant women, elderly people and people who are seriously ill are at higher risk.

side effect of medicine


 Dr Tabrez Uz Zaman (Bachelor in Pharmacy, Master in Health Management)

Use of painkillers is so common; people finds solutions to their problems in pills without even realizing their adverse effect in long term on their health. Painkillers are highly used or abused medicine worldwide.

mental health issues in women & solution


Mental health usually means the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional well-being. It also refers to the maintenance of the successful mental activity, which includes marinating productive daily activities, fulfilling relationships with others, and adapting to change to cope with the stress.

to live a happy and healthy life
eat healthy !



Since from the ancient time, Indian are using Ayurveda for treatment of various illness, now its popularity has reached in every corner of the world, today scientists too agrees that Ayurveda has nature’s enriched medicinal properties.

These days children are more inclined towards junk food which have zero nutritional value, it’s is becoming a big challenge for parents to feed such picky eaters.

lead poisoning in kids

 Lead is a highly toxic poisoning metal. Nervous system and brain is the worst affected part of lead poisoning. When a lead enters into the body from the air we inhale,  by drinking a liquid that includes lead or by eating food that is already contaminated by lead.

Due to unhealthy lifestyle and poor eating habits, almost 80 percent people suffer from iron deficiency in their life, some may recover by bringing change in their diet, and some need medicine. Sometimes it became fatal due to some body illness issues.

red-blood cells