Once upon a time king of Persia was on his voyage with his slave. The slave who has never been in ship before began to moan and sob as if he was in terror that now he will be drowned and he was continuously sobbing and crying nothing is keeping him quiet.
The king was getting disturbed by his moaning but the slaves were treated well in Persia so he was left alone with his sobbing meanwhile a fellow passenger came up and offered to silence the slave but he should be allowed free hand to deal with him as long as he will not harm him.
The man took the slave tied a rope securely round his waist and allow him to flung into the sea , the sailors keeping a tight hold of the other end of the rope.
As soon as the rope was pulled up into the ship it was again flung back into the water and this process was repeated several times.
When they thought it was enough he was taken back into the ship,now he was not moaning or sobbing as before but was sitting silently.
Now the king asked the” fellow passenger who bring complete change in slave behavior “what is the secret remedy that had bring such a change in his behavior”
The man replied- “until he had been flung into the sea he had not tasted the pain of drowning and did not know how to value the safety of ship. now that he had learnt a lesson,he will not moan or sob again in this voyage”