The Scorpian and the Tortoise

A Tortoise formed a strange friendship with a scorpion. One day they decided to search new home for them self so they started their journey together.
After sometimes they come to bank of stream. The scorpion did not know how to swim and he also do not want that tortoise leave him alone
Tortoise said -“do not afraid i know how to swim i will take you on my back”, and again they started their journey. in the middle of river tortoise felt a sharp pain in his neck as if he was pinched ,so he asked the scorpion why i am having sharp pain in my neck as if someone is pinching me.
The scorpion said-” i was obliged to hold your neck to avoid slipping off your back. I held it lightly at first but its in my nature when i get anything within my claws i use my pincers to give it a sharp pinch”.
Tortoise was shocked and was deeply sadden by scorpion’s evil behavior he thought he should never trust a venomous scorpion but it was late but not too late.
Tortoise than suddenly said-” its in my nature to sometimes dive down deep into water and not to be always swimming on top”
having said he dive down into the water and drowned the scorpion………


How much love ,affection and care you give to a venomous person it will always go unnoticed because its in his nature to spit his venom if they find the situation is in his favor .They will never think of anyone ,what matter is their interest.So always choose people with great care everyone is not meant to be your companion